Noisy tattoos

We went to Majorca for a much needed short break a few weeks ago. My plan was to chill out read a few good books, eat good food and drink cheap Cava 🥂.... So on arrival at the hotel we flung our cases onto the bed looked out of from the balcony to a beautiful pool area. ....bikini on (yes I know I’m thick skinned) and as my husband said “who’s going to be looking at you !! 😂". Anyway back to the story.....pack my beach bag (the one with the sequinned pineapple on the front do you remember it?..Its a great chuck in bag) head down to the pool and get myself comfortable and ready for my holiday read that I always start the evening before so that I’m ‘into‘ it. I look around the pool and observe the perspiring bodies all shapes, sizes and all with a different story to tell ....some with stretch marks, some with caesarean marks and some sadly with life /illness scars and it makes me think about each of the people there. Back to the book.....I wonder what the woman with the M&S spotted costume does? Money on it she’s an accountant her beach bag was very organised and she had her money properly separated into euros and sterling which I always plan to do but soon forget after a few 4 euro glasses of Cava. Back to the book when out of the corner of my very big eyes I notice a young woman next to me with lots of tattoos......I put my head down and pretend to be enthralled with the comings and goings of Jenny Eclairs new book......looking to my right I notice she has prose written to the side of her thigh, can’t quite make out what it says but I manoeuvred to the right and it seemed to be prose about a lost love which was very moving. I then begin to think about the tattoo girl and feel sad about the heartbreak she has suffered. Pick up my book....standing in front of the pool are a couple, they edged their way into the pool, I notice she has a very nice bow and chain tattooed around her ankle, her partner has a huge piece of prose which takes up the whole of his back written in French ! .....I put down my book and try to casually take note of the French words and their meaning (the cheap Cava is certainly no help). A level French is a very very long time ago. I am able to read and translate some of the obvious words, life, stars, hope, luck, love and child. I can’t help myself as I begin to create a whole raft of life scenarios which may fit the words. I become bothered by what sadness may have befallen this young French man......Adele switch off and pick up your book. A man passes by with Chinese symbols carefully tattooed down the inner part of his torso and I wonder if he checked the Chinese words and their meaning or if he just trusted the artist? Mmmmmm  not sure I could do that . I pick up my book again and make an effort to switch off from the noisy tattoos........couldn’t they just cover up. 😀😎





October 19, 2019 by Adele Hartley

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