Are cakes ageist ?
Do you think which cake you prefer has got anything to do with age ? No stay with me on this. I like a brew and a cake, I like a brew with a slice of cake .....I love cake...actually I must correct myself on this. There are certain cakes which are fine with coffee and certain cakes which can only be enjoyed and eaten with a brew. For example you can't eat a traditional British cake with an americano....Madeira cake and espresso ...really ? No it's like eating egg and bacon with mayonnaise - they just don't go together. Back to age and cake choices. I have never ever liked bakewell tarts there has never been an occasion when in a tea room/cafe you could witness me with my nose pressed against the glass of a cake dome drooling over a bakewell tart ...never. Yesterday I was in a lovely bakery with 💙 and fancied a bakewell tart - I could not wait to get home put the kettle on, make a brew and sit down with 💙 and my cake (always on a side plate). I scoffed the lot. BAKEWELL virgin no more. Bakewell tarts in my mind have always been the cake of choice for OAPs ( I may qualify soon!!). Would you ever see an OAP with a blueberry muffin or flapjack if there were bakewell tarts on offer? Not on your Mary Berry Cookbook. Do you think the days of choosing Nutella muffins are a thing of the past for me? Who knows? However I think to be fair chocolate eclairs are pretty 'Age fluid' along with cream scones you definitely are in a 'cake age fluid ' zone with them (don't know about vanilla slices though ). What cake age are you? PS 💙 = grandson Albert .