Xmas window displays
Does anybody else remember going to Manchester on an annual Xmas outing without their parents to look at the fabulous Christmas window displays the department stores created? The creations were truly incredible all had a theme and were moving scenes. I remember one year in particular I think it was Pauldens (remember that?) or Lewis’s (now Primark) they had window displays which lavishly told the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, each window depicted a scene from the fairytale. There’s was a mine scene with the dwarves working in the gem mine (it glistened) and so it continued until the final window. The scene was Snow White laid out waiting for her Prince to come. Magical 🎄✨Visiting the stores was very much part of my childhood. How sad to see that Kendal’s is closing down in January. It is the end of a Mancunian era . Sometimes perhaps we lose the appreciation of the time and money and effort put into Christmas decorations and displays. Last time I heard Amazon didn’t decorate their humongous soulless warehouses for their customers to appreciate.....They don’t create magic and for that I am truly sorry because the bottom line is ...that’s what makes memories and a high street - Christmas Magic ✨🎄