Shop windows
Where ever I am in the world I always take time out to look at shop windows and really appreciate the time and interest that has gone into it's creation. I feel sure it is not wholly to do with the fact that we have created attractive shop windows in our bag shops for over 30 years. As a child I can very clearly recall being so excited to look at the chosen window Xmas theme in our large department store. It was magical... the window depicted the story of Snow White and The Seven Dwarves. Each window was a continuous display of the story as it is told ending with Snow White on top of a coffin with her Prince bending over her to give the magical kiss ! It was truly breath taking and as a child I never tired of it. I am always very impressed with shop windows in Spain and southern France the most lack lustre of stock can be elevated to be enchanting. The photo shown is of a haberdashery shop in Seville - I have never seen a haberdashery shop in the UK with displays like this...have you ?