Happy New Year
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all. I hope you have a lovely happy and healthy year ahead. It seems only a moment ago when I was lumbering down the loft ladders with armfuls of Xmas decorations !! Next year they are going up on the 1st of December then at least I will feel I got the efforts worth (ps nobody looked in my pot cupboards/ under sink cupboard so why on Earth I clean them out before Xmas every year I don’t know BUT I guess it’s tradition.......passed from mother to daughter....it’s what we do before Xmas and I’ll probably do it until the day I die). I have to say I love my home on Christmas Eve, Xmas tree up,presents wrapped ,the smell of Xmas spice burning and then we light a log fire and the world feels right. It’s what we in our family call ‘Cosy Joe ‘ ( no idea why but we do ) .....So I hope you had a ‘Cosy Joe’ Xmas and have a ‘Cosy Joe’ new year thank you for your continuing support, your custom and all the great chats we’ve had. X X