Bloke driving
Don't ask me why as I have no idea but I had a 'funny 'episode'. Let me tell you what happened this morning, I was driving to the shop in Monton and was in a queue at the traffic lights (isn't there always a queue, Salford area always seems to be gridlocked). Anyway I saw a car coming out of a junction and indicating to join my lane. I genuinely do not know why I did it BUT I pressed my window down and thrust out my full arm, waved him into lane and then gave him the thumbs up!!!! I have no idea why and have never done that before, I was mortified and I think the other driver was shocked not to see a sixteen stone 'bloke'. Eddie Stobart should offer me a job, I behaved like a full on HGV truck driver. I put my head down praying for the lights to change....they took forever. I won't do that again I shall put my ladylike driver head on - pretend not to see them and make them wait.