A Right Royal Do.
Well if you had told me a while ago that I would ever be in a chaotic scrum for clotted cream I would have sincerely thought you were bonkers! HELLO I was! And I would not let go of my shopping trolley until my hand was tightly wrapped around a precious carton of the Queen of all creams CLOTTED. I didn't care about price nor did I care that I nearly lost my sandal whilst in hot pursuit of a new box of the nectar being brought into the store. I swear this cream needed Kardashian sized bodyguards, it needed the full celeb entourage too...instead it was a brawl of sweaty, determined would be Queens of Afternoon Teas - not wearing tea dresses, wearing joggers...and a good job too! Did I get my Clotted Cream? I would love to say yes but I am afraid I lost my nerve when a woman with iron fists and a back the size of a barn door blocked my path (and to add insult to injury she had a horrible bag too!!! Anyway that is kind of besides the point). I had to serve double cream instead and do you know what, the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations was such a fabulous event that nobody realised and it really didn't matter one jot.
We are the best country in the world for putting on a specatular party and wasn't it a 'PARTY' with Prince Louie being the star attraction (after the Queen of course).
But to put a Royal Top Hat on the festivities we had a very busy weekend on the website and local deliveries selling lots of ROKA, Bag Heaven, Yoshi, Red Cuckoo and POWDER ...lovely bags and cosmetic bags x