A puppy !
So after a couple of years we have caved in and bought a puppy. I know, I know I said that after having Westie pups for 30 years out of our marriage ( I started very young !!!) and experiencing the sadness it brings when your dog dies that we would not have another. Well 2 years on and in spite of our grandson's pleading big blue eyes we kept to our decision, like an iron fist in a velvet glove until February 2nd 2022 ... we caved in, we failed miserably .....we bought a puppy for our grandson ! Hand on heart I think we were emotionally hijacked by a four legged cutie, she was now ours. Our grandson was so incredibly happy that he was frozen to the spot for a second or two, he genuinely was transfixed. Mr. Bag Heaven said it was the best money we have ever spent...I agreed . Little doe he realize that from now on we are keeping Zoflora in business, put it this way if Glade plug ins were an energy force we would have enough power to light up and supply every street in London. The adventure begins..................I will keep you posted.
PS> Our gorgeous new season stock is now being loaded onto our website and we have some gorgeous styles please take a look www.yourbagheaven.com